Thursday, December 14, 2006

what xmas means to me

Much more than a time of giving
Much more than a time of recieving
Much more than going out with loved ones
Or renewing acquaintances at a place.

It's much more than spending time with family
Going to church and thanking the saviour
For all that he did by being born to save us
Much much more than the mood and the food
Much more than the holidays and the giveaways

I think its a time of love
A time to think and rethink the reason why he chose to be born
So that i believeing in his love
Can be like him and ultimately like the father.
I think its a time of renewal and revival
to walk in his will and follow his word.
He that was born, and lived and died out of love
And gave himself on a piece of earthly cross.
He had a manger-ly birth
And a hill-y death
But now is risen in glory.
Theres so much more we can learn of him
Not only in the miracles he did
The hearts and lives he touched
The bodies he healed.
The troubled minds he taught.
The words he spoke
But ultimately on his coming to the earth for all mankind.
You and me.

Christmas is about believing again in the risen Christ.
I beleive for now and ever that is all that matters to the saviour.
and it should be to you and me.

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